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Thursday, May 2, 2013


osé Mourinho will go down in Real Madrid history, both despite and because of having lost three Champions League semi-finals on the spin. The Portuguese coach has been at pains to remind all and sundry that when he took charge, the club wasn't even seeded in Europe, noting that the team has made major strides forward. The fact remains, though, that Florentino Pérez didn't sign the Portuguese coach to regain a place in the top pot of the draw, but rather to lift the trophy. He has failed singularly on this count.
The word coming out of the Bernabéu is that the higher-ups share the coach's point of view that he has restored the club's prestige in Europe. However, the same club officials also note that it is equally true that the so-called best manager in the world was given the mission of winning the Champions League. Mourinho came to Madrid promising to deliver a tenth European Cup and will leave having failed to deliver on his promise.
In other words, pointing out that the team has regained its seeding won't wash at the Bernabéu. Though the club president isn't among the naysayers, many of those miffed by Mou's imminent departure are all too happy to stick the knife in by reminding him of his European failings.
Mourinho's place in the history books is guaranteed after last season's record-breaking league title win, as well as for having beaten Barça in the 'Copa del Rey' final in his debut campaign. The second Real coach to be knocked out of the Champions League at the semi-final stage three years in a row, he will also be remembered for the countless controversies in which he has been embroiled.

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