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Monday, January 14, 2013

Return to the crisis, No option for the title, with 12 points and 22 goals less than last year

"Barcelona is better than ever. It is we who have failed." Pepe is a phrase after the last game of 2012. The Madrid closed the year with the league lost and sidereal distance rivals. While it is true that the Catalans have a League dream, it is also true that Madrid has been the one who has lowered the bar for the last three years, where both teams fought for the League almost to the end.
In the 2009-2010 season, with Pellegrini and Guardiola on the bench, both sides signed the best league in its history, with 99 and 96 points respectively. Mou's first year the team finished with 92 points, four behind Barca, and last year reached 100 by 91 rivals. This league and this average, only 74 eventually Madrid and Barça exceeding 100.
In this first round, and it has left Madrid 20 points, eight more than last season at this point and six more than in all of last season in which they finished beating the record for goals and points.
The Madrid maintains only a few numbers similar to last year on the defensive. Closed the first round of the 2011-2012, whites had conceded 18 goals by 20 this season. Where is the gap is in the offensive aspect. The team led by now 67 goals, 22 more than that amount in the first round. The Madrid ended the title with 121 goals while with this average would end with 90.
At Madrid gunpowder missing last season. But seeing the numbers of their forwards is better understood. Christian added at this point and is now 23 goals with 16. Higuain had 14 and now reaches half. Just like Benzema, coming down from 10 to five goals.
In midfield, neither player is also responsible for assisting at his best. Özil just had no continuity in his game and the team missing the attendances of Di Maria, a player who is not his shadow.
Another player who takes greater danger, Marcelo has been three months injured. Just joined the group and its offensive vocation is essential, but sometimes cost him the job as Mourinho.

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