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Monday, January 14, 2013

Marcelo, not yet.Coentrao will continue in the starting against Valencia.

Fabio Coentrao in the starting will against Valencia. Marcelo has to wait because his injury has been longer and more severe than that suffered by the Portuguese, Mourinho was punished for being late to training on January 1.

Marcelo went to Pamplona and was on the bench the whole game. He did not play anything and now begin to get into the team gradually, without risking their health and relapse plans to curb that has paved the coaching staff is already in the countdown to the first clash against Manchester United February 13.

Marcelo reenter the call in this first leg in the Cup against Valencia and could play a few minutes. It depends on how the game goes.
Mourinho was satisfied with the performance offered Fabio Coentrao in the Reyno de Navarra. The Portuguese side had a presence in attack, and the band went bravely wrapped up in defensive duties. Intensity remained high throughout the match.

Right now he looks in better shape than Marcelo, more road and offers more guarantees. The Brazilian has been three months on the sidelines and just added to the training. He has shown that he is recovered from the fracture in the fifth metatarsal of his right foot. You have to continue with his rehabilitation process to group after so long away. Soon will be in the field.

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