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Monday, January 14, 2013

Di Maria: "There are failures of the referees are not mistakes"

No Mourinho spoke before the game. It is normal to be a coach. Angel Di Maria did, a player who is not at all like last season, and promises to grit his teeth to get his job. The Argentine left several messages.

"He has not talked to me or when I was playing and now I'm not playing"
Upon his sporting situation, now that is a substitute, and Performance said: "I feel very good. Labour to be a hundred percent. Decisions are technical. Labour to be in the eleven and then there are the decisions of the coach.'s Difficult. One when not playing it costs more. I have continuity from previous years.'m working on it. Whenever the coach needs me try to keep up with before. "
Mourinho has not given any explanation for his substitution: "He has not talked to me or when I was playing and now I'm not playing.'re Technical decisions. When you want to talk to the player does. He has decided that I have to be in the bench and I think it's perfect. I'll try to keep working to return to the once ".
With the League discarded says to focus on the Cup and the Champions: "The chip is changed because we know it is a very difficult tie and we know that Valencia is a very difficult opponent. Mentality of each one. Things in League are not going well. Against Valencia try to be at the level we showed against Celtic. "
The future of Christian
He talked about the future of the future of Cristiano Ronaldo, if you have to renew the club or not, and referred to the dependence of the team he: "Everyone knows what to do.'s Personal. It is my very important player for Real Madrid and we need him. has done great things for refurbishing. "

"A silly us for any players we are driving"
"In the match against Osasuna was not, but it was difficult because it is a very young field and play against a team that runs a lot. Obviously when it shows because Cristiano is a player who can be defined at any time. But we have other players you are right. "
He complained of recent arbitrations and unfair called Kaka expulsion in Pamplona: "You know better than anyone that the referees are confused lately with Madrid. Sometimes these failures not comment by mistake but are things football. When Kaka jumps, he does back. And in another move, he has bad luck and teach the other yellow. In different games we've played have been able to expel other rival players and us for any nonsense we are driving players. "
Warns having tomorrow's rival: "Valencia is a very difficult opponent, we know who's coming to win at the Bernabeu. Has players to play as equals.'ll Try to do my best to get a result for return. know it's a very important game for us because the league is quite difficult. Cup and Champions are two very important goals for us and try to achieve them. "

"We're not letting go in the league"
Di Maria said to have lost motivation: "It's true that last season was different and that was a motivation for the league. But now we have the Cup and Champios and costumes right. Letting go We're not in the League.'re difficult games, in which the results do not come out. We go out to win the time we get to the Champions Cup and we keep winning. "
It also makes self-criticism: "We must continue to improve the game and try to play like we did against Celtic at the Bernabeu. Hopefully we can be at that level when we touch the Champions. We are well on these two competitions and we know that the Champions League is what is essential to us and what we really want. Against Manchester can happen. would not have to be so far away from first place. know that we have not done well in the league and try to keep winning. Barcelona is doing well and now we must have continuity. "

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