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Friday, January 11, 2013

"The team is with Mourinho" Higuain defends the unity in the locker room of Real Madrid

Gonzalo Higuain spoke at the press room. Mourinho continues his 'code of silence' and also Karanka has given witness to the players. The Argentine is one of the protagonists of the game tomorrow because it has options to hold down Cristiano Ronaldo. "The truth is that I feel good. Were two hard months in which I have been injured, and if the coach decides to put me, I'm able to play the whole game," he says.
It is one of those players who takes nothing for lost. Neither the League: "It's hard. But we must keep fighting. Remain many games. Should be followed in the line of winning and play like we have been doing it forever. Want to regain the level of previous seasons. Want to be the team we were before" .
On the five-match sanction Ramos said: "Sergio apologized. Heaters are party. Hopefully it will not happen again.'s An important player for us. He already apologized and these decisions are made by the referees and should be respected. We hope that does not happen again. "
"A live front of the goal, and hopefully that of Osasuna is a party to redisplay goal after two months of injury"
His desire is to play and score tomorrow: "Ojalá.Un live front of the goal. Hopefully it will be a party to redisplay goal after two months of injury. But the important thing is to get back to feeling good leg. But yeah, hopefully when I touch play scoring a goal can do. "
Rejects the atmosphere in the template is bad. And he talked about how he sees the season Mourinho and they are doing: "I will not go into that. The team is fully united. We are with the coach.'s Our coach and must be respected.'s What will give us the fruits to win a title. Mourinho is now the coach of Madrid. has a contract and I imagine it will stay in Madrid.'m not in his head, because that's their decision. last season was very good, with good game and a lot of goals . It is now down a notch and looks a bit alarming. But this is football and it's that changing. We have five months of competition that will be very hard, with a tough opponent in the Champions League and try to get some title. This is Real Madrid, and the shield, you fight. "
"We are with the coach. Remain five months of competition that will be very hard, with a tough opponent in the Champions League, but this is Real Madrid, and the shield must fight"
She paid tribute to Cristiano Ronaldo. He talked about his first goal at Celtic: "It is a shot that is not unusual to see him. Shot but not new to him. Has been doing since their previous teams. With professionally what train to perfect. Know if it is not its best. since being here has more than 40 goals a season and is a joy to us that he is well, because if he is right, we'll be fine. Since arriving has an important role on this team. therefore be paid what was paid. And it paid off. "
He was asked by the slump in the game of his friend and fellow Di Maria: "'The Noodle' is an important player and will try to return to that level often.'s A player that I have no doubt that will be OK, but do not see it at all under ".
He made it clear what the goal: "We are not going through your head not win the Champions League. Tournament is a very nice and hopefully this year can be achieved."
"It was always difficult to play in Pamplona, ​​except last year we won well. It is a very screwed. Osasuna need the points"
And not to make excuses for the losses that have the equipment and fixtures tomorrow: "All the players are important and we can not stop thinking about the casualties. Must meet them and there are players to do it the best way."
He talked about tomorrow's game: "It was always difficult to play in Pamplona, ​​except last year we won well. It is a very screwed. Osasuna need the points."
After six years at Real Madrid says he no longer has to prove what kind of player is: "I have spent many years here and I feel that I have to claim. Took six years and coach people know me. Yeah I have to take the minutes. "

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