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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mourinho keeps the suspense in goal One in the league, one in Cup Yesterday he met with Adam after training

Then came the day of truth and the enigma of the goal remains unresolved. The feelings that come out of the locker room, suggests that Adam will head this afternoon in goal, but Mourinho wanted to keep the suspense until the last minute. "I do not even know them, I can only say that you play in the league will not play in the Cup." This was the only clue left yesterday the Portuguese coach.

Possible trial of Portuguese coach if the captain is in the dock

Mourinho, however, it does chatted with Adam at the end of training. The Portuguese took the goalkeeper and took it to his office together Aitor Karanka. Possibly to explain the plan you have in mind for him in the upcoming matches.

The record Casillas has encouraged a game that normally would have little incentive. With 16 points behind Madrid Barca fans who come to the stadium are focused on the possible Casillas and Mou trial if the captain stays on the bench. This is precisely the fear that exists in the offices of the Bernabéu.

Mourinho insists nothing will condition its decision and out of doors keeps pitching the message that its sole purpose to substitution of Iker is motivate.

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